The Story behind this...

Kia Ora!

Everybody has a story to tell. So do I. But I try to keep it short.

So, where to start…

Born in 1965 near Munich, Germany, I've been living in and around Munich… for the first 45 years of my life.

Some of you might know that place, and some of you might like it too. But for me it never felt home.
So I thought I should look a bit beyond my tight horizons.

In this process I came across this little island in the South Pacific Ocean (actually it’s not really that little, it’s roughly the size of Italy, it only looks small because of its isolation).

At this time, around 2006, New Zealand wasn't exactly in the focus of the European media world. But I found it, and I’m glad I did.

I started to research, beyond the gorgeous landscape, I started to build up a network and to make friends over the internet.

The whole thing turned my private life upside down and in 2008 I decided I really need a break (from Europe).
I sold all the stuff I didn’t really need, saved money where ever I could, just to be able to make a dream reality.
On 14.01.2010 I finally boarded a plane, lots of hopes and dreams in my baggage, but I left all expectations behind at a wintry cold, grey and snowy Munich Airport.

At the start it was meant an escape, a break, anything beyond this was only hopes. But I managed to settle down, and to find a place I can truly call “Home”, a place where to grow roots – finally...
And I found a lot of real friends here too...

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