Saturday 6 February 2010

Island Bay


Anonymous said...

Hi over there. These feelings you have are a part of that adventure. Just accept them and let them go. That's the only thing I can tell you. They will come back from time to time to test you how you handle them. But hey, just let go. It's all fine. You do live your adventure now. You are now. Not yesterday or tomorrow. Just now. And now, you have a beautiful country right under your feets... let go :)


Miss Fizzie said...

Hi Werner,
You should text me when you feeling like that. Don't let those sadness spoil your day ok. We can chat also. Take care my friend.

Anonymous said...

Hey Werner, just remember how strong your mind has been (I consciously use present perfect, 'cause I'm sure yar strength will last) when you decided to leave your homecountry to enter another place (probably one of the most beautiful on this planet). There are a billion other souls who are afraid of thinking about such a changing - and challenging. Well, and you? You just did it. It's amazing! Go on - live your dream!

And - as somebody already posted: namaste!

someone you know from ye olde germany :)